Lavette Super – New Generation!

With Antibacterial activity AS WELL AS FCC (Food Contact Clearance) approval Lavette Super New Generation offers unique benefits like no other wipe available!
Approved for use when coming in contact with food and food preparation areas in combination with its Antibacterial activity performances, Lavette Super provides the optimal solution for hygiene cleaning !!
Lavette Super New Generation wipes has been granted the Certificate of Compliance by the German test institute ISEGA for direct food contact. This means that this product was examined according to the methods for testing food packaging. ISEGA has checked raw materials, fabrication additives, special finishing agents as well as the release of substances which might endanger health. Lavette Super New Generation wipes passed all the tests and are in compliance with the rules and regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 of the European Parliament on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.
What is FCC?
FCC: Certificate of Compliance for direct food contact, is an EN regulation no. 1935/2004 applicable for all materials and articles that come in direct contact or in-direct contact with Food. The general requirements for this standard are that the articles will NOT:
- Endanger human health
- Bring about an unacceptable change in the composition of the food
- Deteriate the organoleptic characteristics (taste/odor) of the food
What does this mean? It means that it’s safe to use Lavette Super New Generation wipes as cleaning cloths even if the wipes come into direct or in-direct contact with dry, moist or non-fatty foodstuffs. There is no danger for health and safety. Thus, if cleaning in areas where food has been prepared or otherwise been present, it is in your best interest to make sure that an FCC approved wipes is used.
What is Antibacterial Activity?
In addition, Lavette Super New Generation was independently testes according to the ISO 20743/2007 standard which measures bacteria growth in nonwoven products. The test was performed using the following stains:
- Staphylococcus aureus – ATCC 6538
- Klebsiella pneumoniae – ATTCC 4352
Lavette Super New Generation fulfilled all the conditions required by this standard qualifying it with antibacterial activity, the unique fiber and binder composition creates the antibacterial activity, preventing bacteria from growing in the wipe. This way the wipe remains fresh for longer providing the ultimate hygienic result!
With Lavette Super New Generation wipes you ensure optimal cleanliness as well as safety.
- Open structure – Superior dirt pick-up
- Easy to rinse & Dry quickly – Wipe stays fresh for longer
- Antibacterial activity
- Bulky – Comfortable to use
- Colour coded – Helps you achieve HACCP compliance
- Machine washable – ready for use over and over again
- Durability – Excellent value for money
- Strong and safe to use – FCC approved!!
Use Lavette Super New Generation and be Safe!