Chicopee® At Hygienalia+Pulire

Chicopee showcased how best to beat the bacteria at Spain’s largest trade show for cleaning, professional hygiene and laundry.
Our team took pride of place at the Hygienalia+Pulire show at the Casa de Campo Exhibition Center, Madrid, in November.
There was great interest in our range of cleaning wipes, floor mops and cloths. Solutions on show included Chicopee’s Microfibre Light, which removes 99.99% of bacteria without the need for chemicals by trapping them within its fibres. Ideal for short-term use, these wipes can simply be thrown away, eliminating the need for washing and the spread of bacteria.
The range also includes Microfibre Plus, the only product in its class that has been certified safe to be used in direct contact with food.
In addition, we highlighted our new DuraWipe® range with Spinlace® technology to visitors, which included those from the hotel, restaurant, catering, pharmaceuticals and education industries. Spinlace technology uses a unique ‘sandwich’ construction to bring improved strength and performance for tough dirt, grease and oil pick-up jobs. DuraWipe outlasts paper-based solutions, and is suitable for everything from drying hands to cleaning machinery. DuraWipe can be used with water, detergents and solvents without major deterioration in performance.
Paul Fourgeaud, Chicopee Business Development Manager for Spain, Portugal and Africa, said of the trade event: “It was a great show and a superb opportunity to meet the most influential people and businesses within the Iberian Peninsula region. We had a huge amount of interest in our Microfibre range and Spinlace technology, and are looking forward to following up on the many conversations we had.”
We’ll keep you updated on forthcoming exhibitions via this news page.