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Lavette Super

The market leading durable Foodservice cloth

Lavette Super is a multi-functional, absorbent, strong and durable all round cleaning cloth. Its unique open structure guarantees superior dirt pick-up and efficient absorption of oil, water and other liquids. Its unique structure and composition ensures the wipe dries quickly and thus remains clean and fresh for longer providing optimal hygiene and minimal odours.

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  • chicopee-lavette-super-wipe-group-w547h400
  • lavette-super-newpack2016-w547h400
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  • Foodservice employees are often dealing with dirty tables or kitchen areas that need to be cleaned quickly and effectively
  • Poor quality and low weight wipes often look cheap, and poor performance can waste valuable time
  • Many Foodservice cloths are hard to rinse and keep clean, wasting time and causing cloths to develop odour quickly


  • Its unique bulky open structure guarantees superior dirt pick-up and efficient absorption. In addition the antibacterial activity ensures an odourless and clean cloth, all day long
  • Durable throughout the day, it can also be washed at 90ºC over 40 times while still retaining all of its cleaning ability
  • The unique open structure ensures maximum dirt collection, whilst easily rinsable, ensuring wipes stay fresh for longer

Technical Data

Art No. Description Colour Sheet Size (LxW) Sheets Per Pack Packs Per Case Product Type
74466 Lavette Super Blue 51 x 36 cm 25 6 1/4 Fold
74468 Lavette Super Red 51 x 36 cm 25 6 1/4 Fold
74465 Lavette Super Green 51 x 36 cm 25 6 1/4 Fold
74467 Lavette Super Yellow 51 x 36 cm 25 6 1/4 Fold
74464 Lavette Super White 51 x 36 cm 25 6 1/4 Fold
74751 Lavette Super Blue 34 x 36 cm 25 6 1/4 Fold
74750 Lavette Super Red 34 x 36 cm 25 6 1/4 Fold
74752 Lavette Super Green 34 x 36 cm 25 6 1/4 Fold
74753 Lavette Super Yellow 34 x 36 cm 25 6 1/4 Fold
74754 Lavette Super White 34 x 36 cm 25 6 1/4 Fold


  • iconhaccp


    Available in five different colors supporting HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)
  • iconcleaningagents

    Cleaning Agents

    Flexible and useable with all cleaning agents
  • iconstrong


    Powerful and longer lasting for cost efficient cleaning
  • machine-washable-no25-thumb@2x

    Machine Washable x25

    Machine washable to 90°C for at least 25 washes
  • iconfcc


    This Chicopee Europe Foodservice product carries a voluntarily obtained FCC certificate ensuring a safe usage in contact with food