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Veraclean I-Tack Light

Specially designed to offer solutions for every dust removal job

Designed to swiftly and cleanly remove contaminants prior to painting, the I-Tack Light contains a water-based tackifier, and is compatible with all paint types. The cloths are cost efficient because they can be used up to eight sides. They leave no unpleasant smells or sticky residue on either your hands or the car body. The I-Tack Range contains three variants, each with a different structure and tack level. For each application we offer the perfect solution!

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  • itacklight-newpack2016-w547h400
  • Solutions
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  • Different levels of dust removal can be required for each step of the paint process and residue can be left on the body if the wrong product is used
  • Low cost tack rags and wipes leave residue on the surface causing defects and negatively affecting the process
  • Other tack rags and tack wipes are normally only suitable for one kind of paint, and therefore limit the use and performance


  • With a choice of three products each with a different structure and tack level we can help you optimise your process and reduce the risk of contamination from the cloth
  • The three different variants of the I-Tack range have excellent dust pick-up to remove all dust and dirt particles from the surface
  • All three I-Tack variants are compatible with every paint type, both water-based and conventional high solid paints

Technical Data

Art No. Quality level Colour Size cm (LxW) Sheets Per Pack Packs Per Case Product Type
74304 Light Green 43 x 31cm 25 20 1/4 Fold
74216 Light Green 61 x 37cm 50 10 1/4 Fold


  • iconantistatic

    Anti Static

    Anti static properties for ultimate cleaning results
  • dust-pick-up

    Dust Pick Up

    Does not leave dust or fibers on wiped surfaces
  • iconsiliconefree

    Silicone Free

    Avoids the contamination of surfaces

Color Options

Product Name


74304, 74216
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